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Crowdfunding saves life of abandoned paraplegic dog

Crowdfunding salva la vida de perro parapléjico abandonado
After five months of traveling, veterinary work and crowdfunding, Leo the paraplegic dog is finally settled in Canada and ready to live the life of a happy pup.

While vacationing in Thailand, Meagan Penman found the dog dragging its hind legs on a beach. After posting a video of the wounded dog on the r/WTF subreddit, Penman reached out to local shelters in the area, who would not take Leo in. Believing Leo had a "better shot at life in Canada," she created a Gofundme page on June 21 to raise funds for medical and travel expenses.

Crowdfunding saves life of abandoned paraplegic dog Crowdfunding saves life of abandoned paraplegic dog Reviewed by Aracelli Muñoz Baldi on 3:55:00 AM Rating: 5

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